SI audio podcast #4: Dispatches from 'block that chain'
photo: 'Block That Chain' worklab, Graz, October 2019. It's way more fun than it looks, I promise!
This episode of the Serious Introspection audio podcast talks with several members of the block that chain worklab that I participated in in Graz, Austria. block that chain is a week-long worklab hosted by the wonderful mur.at to explore the questions, problems, and deeper issues behind blockchain technology. I was delighted to be part of this, as it drew together a mix of artists, hackers, musicians, theorists, and sociologists for an intensive programme to utilise our expertise and perspectives.
The week had no shortage of theoretical discussions which touched on ethics, economics, and technology, while provided me a much-needed alternative viewpoint –– or rather, viewpoints –– to most media coverage of blockchain issues, which is primarily dominated by finance and tech industry reporting, or else kneejerk alarmism. Some participants created software to visualise and sonificate online discourse on the topic; others worked on theoretical models for future projects or developed existing tools.
I'm still formulating my own thoughts about blockchain after this week, especially in relation to my past work with Biathlon; I'll likely write something soon in the new issue of Acedia. In the meantime, if you are interested in blockchain technology (even if you feel negative towards the hype), you might find some stimulating and fun ideas in the podcast. I talk with Martin Schitter, Bailey Keogh, Michael Mastrototaro, Jurij Smrke and Goran Bečirevič.
Here are links to the guests and topics mentioned during the discussions:
Martin Schitter [02:15]:
Bailey Keogh [21:26]:
- Holochain white paper
- Capitalist Reparations
- '..for a year Vollmann wrote much of his first novel, You Bright and Risen Angels, after hours on office computers, subsisting on candy bars from vending machines and hiding from the janitorial staff.' [wikipedia]
- Detroit Community Technology Project
- Allied Media Projects
Michael Mastrototaro [40:45]:
- Konjungate
- The novel Machfeld (in German)
- Sabine Maier
Jurij Smrke / Goran Bečirevič [59:29]